I originally started training with Ron 4 years go for my wedding. I had also been putting off a scheduled knee surgery and waited until my wedding and honeymoon were both over to have it done. In the year prior to the wedding, Ron helped me to get in shape and completely worked around my bad knees. He was amazing at finding ways for me to lose weight and build muscle without further injuring my bad knees. After my surgery I didn’t know what would happen once I recovered. But during my recovery, for the first time in my life, I found myself really missing exercise, but especially the training with Ron. I wasn’t just burning calories when I was working out, I felt good all over. It improved my confidence, my self esteem and my general mental wellness. So after the surgery, I came back to Ron, and the two other fabulous trainers, D.B. and Matt. It has been over 2 years this time around and I can do so much more than I ever could before. I have lost 14 pounds, and gone down 2 pants sizes. More importantly, I have been able to keep it off. The best part is that I actually enjoy exercising. Before Ron I had never exercised in any kind of formal way. I hated exercise and could only force myself to take brisk walks to try to lose weight. At Train with Ron the workout is different every time so there is nothing to fear or dread. Even when I am tired at the end of a long day, I look forward to going. I love the small group dynamic because it is never competitive and always supportive. I only compete with myself as I get stronger and become more adept at certain “Moves”.The trainers care about you and work around your specific needs, while challenging you to get stronger. It really is a community of people working out together. You get to know everyone, and help them to celebrate their goals and achievements. Train with Ron has absolutely changed my life in so many positive ways. I only wish I had discovered it earlier!